How It Works

Fundraisers are hosted on Thursdays from 6-9 p.m. at a participating Bar Louie location for non-profit and/or tax-exempt organizations.

During your event, guests can order dine-in and to-go, or delivery from Louie Rewards app using a special code at checkout.

Louie and the gang will donate 15% of the net sales brought in by your group during the event hours. It’s that easy!

Here's The Skinny

And we're not talking margaritas...

• Your organization must submit proof of your non-profit or tax-exempt status during the application process by providing your Tax ID number and a copy of your W-9/tax-exempt form. For-profit organizations will not be considered for fundraising events at this time.

Event requests must be submitted with at least 4 weeks' notice. Upon receiving your request, a member of the Bar Louie team will be in touch within 5 business days to schedule your event.

• After your event is confirmed, Bar Louie will provide a digital promotional flyer to drive awareness for your event. From there, it is your organization’s job to promote and drive traffic for the event.

• Promotion of your event must be done off-site and in advance. Solicitation of other diners in or around the bar, including handing out flyers, is strictly prohibited, and may result in a void donation.

Your event must generate a minimum of $250 in net sales to receive a check. Net sales are calculated after any promotional discounts are automatically deducted from the check.

• Catering orders will not be counted toward the organization’s sales total.

• All donations will be completed via secure ACH transfer. Details and set up for payment will be completed during the event scheduling process.

• Questions about your Louie Loves event can be emailed to

Sound good? Let's raise some money!
Complete the form below to get started.

Event Information

Organization Information

Contact Information

Additional Details