• Your organization must submit proof of your non-profit or tax-exempt status during the application process by providing your Tax ID number and a copy of your W-9/tax-exempt form. For-profit organizations will not be considered for fundraising events at this time.
• Event requests must be submitted with at least 4 weeks' notice. Upon receiving your request, a member of the Bar Louie team will be in touch within 5 business days to schedule your event.
• After your event is confirmed, Bar Louie will provide a digital promotional flyer to drive awareness for your event. From there, it is your organization’s job to promote and drive traffic for the event.
• Promotion of your event must be done off-site and in advance. Solicitation of other diners in or around the bar, including handing out flyers, is strictly prohibited, and may result in a void donation.
• Your event must generate a minimum of $250 in net sales to receive a check. Net sales are calculated after any promotional discounts are automatically deducted from the check.
• Catering orders will not be counted toward the organization’s sales total.
• All donations will be completed via secure ACH transfer. Details and set up for payment will be completed during the event scheduling process.
• Questions about your Louie Loves event can be emailed to louieloves@barlouie.com.